Ajax Photo Gallery V1.10
See ONLINE demo here
Ajax Image Gallery is a picture album maker, that allows you to design and upload rich, interactive ajax web photo galleries for your website.
Ajax Image Gallery is the first product that creates AJAX-powered online photo galleries without
the need for server-side tuning. It means you just upload files created by the program to your web server
and it will run straightway, even if it's a free web host without a php, asp, database support.
Galleries made with Ajax Gallery are high-end web applications that look and feel completely like desktop apps.
You and your web site visitors won't feel the difference! All actions, such as selecting a photo, filtering by tag and date,
changing the preview mode, scrolling, executes immediately. No more need to wait for page reloading after every mouse click!
Easy to Use |
Just drag and drop your images or folders with images and press "Publish" to get your ajax photo album ready!
All Formats |
Ajax Photo Gallery supports numerous of image formats:
Don't worry about compatibility of your images.
Date/Time Grouping |
Every photo added to Ajax Gallery will be automatically ordered by date and time taken.

Tags |
Arrange your photos by adding tags.

Basic photo editing |
Add descriptions, rotate images, change the size and quality of your photos or thumbnails with Ajax Image Gallery.
EXIF (Exchangeable image file format) Support |
Get detailed info about your digital photos: manufacturer and camera model, exposure time, focal ratio, focal length and much more..
CrossBrowser Support |
Ajax photo album created with Ajax Gallery are fully compatible with all modern Windows and MAC browsers - IE, FireFox, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari, Netscape..
All Servers |
Ajax Photo Gallery doesn't require any server scripting, so feels good on any web hostings.
Vista Image Gallery: Everything you need to share your images with the world!